#1 Ranked Wausau SEO Company

“Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.”
– Paul Cookson

Results First SEO

We never forget our primary goal: to get you leads!

Glass Door SEO

Every document used to rank your site higher on search engines is available to you at any time.

Searcher Intent

Organic searchers are 8.5 times more likely to click on your site if they found it themselves.

What We're Known for

Profit Guaranteed SEO

It’s not too good to be true, seriously. We’ve developed a series of equations to offer profit guaranteed to every client. While there are no guarantees with SEO, there are guarantees with Schuette Sites; we hold all the risk because we’re so confident we’ll get you the results your business deserves. 


Schuette Sites ranking #1 in Google

We rank #1, so can you!

Client Success: 2x Organic Search Traffic in 4 months

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (Wausau SEO)

Search engine optimization positions your website at that highest rank possible to gain traffic from competitive key words. Wausau SEO experts persuade browsers to rank your site higher, where more searchers click. When paired with quality web design, SEO’s traffic leads to a direct boost of sales for our clients.


On Page Wausau SEO

The most impactful way to improve a website’s SEO is to tactfully include keywords throughout the site. This art has turned into a science due to Wausau SEO experts painstakingly discovering the ins-and-outs of browser algorithms. The beauty of targeting competitive keywords is by overtaking your competitors’ SEO, the traffic shifts from their website to yours. 

Website Searcher Intent

SEO’s natural traffic leads to higher click through rates, as potential customers are actively seeking your page when they search for industry keywords. Being near the top is a necessity for being on a customer’s radar. Customers are 8.5 times more likely to click on your page if they found it themselves, so let them find you at the top of Google with Wausau SEO.

Backlinks for Wausau SEO

By far the most challenging SEO strategy is attaining links from reputable websites and pages. This often requires unique, linkable content making it a tedious, time consuming process. As all our Wausau SEO experts know, attaining a good backlink catalog is a leading factor in rankings.

Portfolio Feature: NewInsightsWausau.com

Therapy Site

Get discovered with SEO

Online traffic flocks to those with the best websites. Outrank the competition with a SEO expert.

Higher Conversion Rates

Searchers who are actively seeking your goods or services are more likely to convert than cold leads.

Dominate the Competition

Get ahead of the curve and future-proof your business with SEO experts building for the future.

Why Us

Personalized SEO

Gain Digital Advantage

From one business owner to another, we know what it takes to stand out in today’s age; your website should match your business, not be a copy pasted template. We build each campaign around the core values of each business to target their ideal customer.

Web Design Experience

Adaptable Design Experience

Our team was built around website development in 2023, giving them an advantage over other SEO companies. While our focus is primarily around SEO, we’re not lost in the world of web design, allowing full service SEO implelmentation.

Optimized SEO

From Art to Science

Rank your site at the top of every search with our search engine optimization (SEO) experts. With our all-in-one policy, you’ll never have the hassle of keeping up with search trends, as we attain natural traffic for your business each month. 

Schuette Sites Logo

SEO: The Best Kept Secret

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was created to rank websites at the top of relevant search queries. Today, SEO is a necessary part of online natural outreach and one of the most effective campaigns for clients.

Wausau SEO Expert Audit

Schuette Site’s SEO experts are tasked every day to review clients’ on page content and formatting, and every day our clients’ sites grow higher and higher on search engine rankings.  Professional SEO experts understand the ins-and-outs of SEO optimization to bring your site close to the top pick, where 25%+ of people click.  

Traffic volume does translate to sales with CTA web design, causing a direct boost to your bottom line. Our SEO experts have access to professional-grade tools to provide and manage the best SEO results.  At the end of the day, SEO saves you marketing budget that would have gone into ads by supplying free traffic with intent to buy. 

SEO Focused Content

Your content is the deciding factor in the efficacy of any SEO campaign. Any website designed by Schuette Sites is SEO focused, with integrated keywords to the extent of our allowed budget. Truly, content is king, and when Google can’t allow you free traffic month over month, it’s probably due to a lack of SEO focused content.

 SEO content comes in a variety of ways, from backend optimization, to long form content digestible by readers, there is something a Wausau SEO expert can optimize on your website for free leads, free volume, and free profit.

SEO Keyword Research

So what kind of content is SEO optimized? The kind of content that uses SEO optimized keywords. For example. in order to rank #1 for best counselor in Wausau, you would need “best counselor in Wausau” in key locations throughout your site. Where and when to place these keywords is up to the SEO experts, but the more keywords the more you rank, but the harder implementation becomes.

 The secret to SEO keywords is actually in the website design. By cleverly dividing pages and increasing digestible content, SEO experts rank for hundreds of keywords to gather competitive volume.

Wausau SEO

At Schuette Sites, we pride ourselves on our customer experience, not only for the repeat customers, but to provide the smoothest workflow for our clients and our SEO experts. This hand-held approach allows us multiple iterations that provide content that matches your personality and business. Our Wausau, WI SEO experts optimize content and metadata to please SEO metrics and human readers. 

Additionally, our all-in-one approach provides results unattainable had we taken shortcuts. This proof of work provides results focused SEO pieces in a digestible format for our clients.  From realtors to ecommerce sites, Schuette Sites can adapt to any industry and provide SEO metrics that surpass the competition. SEO’s natural traffic is a gold mine known only to by the best website designers and SEO experts, so don’t miss out on the customers going to competitors’ sites, get the best Wausau SEO with Schuette Sites. 

Book a Call

Grab a quick, 15 minute call to see how we can make you money!



We provide more data than you will ever need weekly, followed by concise, easy-to-read monthly reports.


Guide Growth

Our team aims to make content in-line with your company’s values; a new campaign never goes live until approved.


Reap Results

Status. Expansion. Profit. Automatic outreach is hard to come by, but with customers already looking for your site, prosperity is inevitable.


SEO Questions?

Whether you want to know if your business is a good fit, or if you have questions on our services, we’ll get back to you in a jiffy.

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