Domain Names For Therapists: What to Consider

Written by Benjamin Schuette on 10/15/2023

Learning the art of finding domain names for therapists was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Picking a domain name is important because it affects your professional persona online. 

I’m here to share some easy advice on picking a great website name for therapists. Whether you just started or are thinking about a change, this guide will help you choose the best website name.

Domain Names For Therapists: Why They Matter

So why are domain names so important for therapists? Your domain name is more than just your web address; it’s your digital identity. Your domain is often the first impression potential clients have of you, so make it count. Here are a few key reasons why selecting the right domain name is crucial:


A well-chosen domain name conveys professionalism. It shows that you’ve invested time and thought into your online presence. I want you to know that potential clients take your website into account when assessing quality.


Your domain name is a crucial component of your brand. It should reflect your practice’s values, services, and personality. This makes it easier for clients to remember you and your specialty.

SEO For Therapists

A well-optimized domain name can improve your website’s search engine ranking. Including relevant keywords in your domain can help potential clients find you effortlessly. Follow these 13 rules to Ranking #1 for higher traffic.


A domain name that sounds trustworthy attracts visitors to learn more about your services. It’s like a virtual handshake, so make it a strong one.

My Domain Naming Experience

Before sharing my journey, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m a web developer who’s passionate about helping people overcome their challenges. As my career progressed, I realized the need to expand my services to online therapists.

Here’s how my journey to finding perfect domain names unfolded:

Define Your Niche

When I first ventured into the world of online therapy, I had a broad idea of all that counselors had to offer. However, I immediately realized that defining my clients’ niches was crucial. Are you a family therapist, a couples counselor, or a specialist in a specific type of therapy? The more you can narrow down your niche, the easier it is to choose the right domain name for your target audience.

For example, if you choose to specialize in family therapy, you should pick a domain that reflects that.

Tip: Think about what makes your therapy practice unique and focus on that when selecting your niche. This will help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Brainstorm Keywords For Therapists

Keywords are the building blocks of a successful domain name. Keywords are the phrases potential clients might type into Google when looking for a therapist. Brainstorm a list of keywords related to your niche and services. This can be anything from “counseling” and “therapy” to specific issues, such as “anxiety”.

I brainstormed keywords like “family therapy,” “counseling,” “healing,” and “connection.”

Tip: Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to discover keywords for your practice.

Domain Names for Therapists Should be Simple and Memorable

Long, complicated domain names are challenging for people to remember and type. Aim for a domain name that’s short, simple, and easy to spell. A straightforward name is often more accessible to your potential clients.

A domain name like “” includes a niche and is easy to remember.

Avoid hyphens, numbers, or special characters in your domain name. These can make it more confusing and less memorable.

Make it Unique

While keeping it simple is important, you also want your domain name to be unique. You don’t want potential clients to confuse your website with others. Conduct a quick search to ensure your domain name isn’t already in use.

Consider variations of your desired domain name if the one you want isn’t available. This might include adding a location (more on that later) or a modifier like “LLC”.

Check Domain Availability

Once you’ve picked a domain name, check its availability with registrars like GoDaddy. Don’t rush this step; it might take a couple of variations of your chosen domain to find one that’s available.

GoDaddy is the most common domain registrar with 76.6 million domains as of September 2023.

Tip: Registering your domain name for longer increments ensures you don’t lose it, but is often unnecessary in smaller markets.

Seek Feedback

Before finalizing your choice, seek feedback from colleagues, friends, or family. They can provide valuable insights and suggest alternatives you might not have considered.

Tip: Make sure your chosen domain name is easy to pronounce when spoken aloud.

SEO For Therapists

Now that you’ve chosen a domain name, it’s important to consider its impact on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Including relevant keywords in your domain name can help with search engine rankings.

For counselors, “therapy” is often necessary, but niching down is usually a good idea. “” may be a good idea for the Marriage counseling niche.

Overloading your domain name with keywords can make it sound forced and unnatural. Balancing SEO with a user-friendly, memorable domain name is key.

Should You Include Your Name?

Therapists often wonder: should you include your name in the domain name, or focus on your practice?

Deciding to put your name in the domain is a bit like picking an ice cream flavor – it depends on what’s right for you. Here are some things to think about:

Putting Your Name In the Domain:

Personal Branding

If you’re a well-known therapist, putting your name in the domain leverages your existing brand.


Clients like to know their therapist is the real deal. Using your name can make them feel confident you’re legit and have the right skills.

Easy To Remember

A web address with your name is like a simple puzzle piece. People can remember it better and come back to your site or tell their friends about it.

Unique Domain Names for Therapists

Your web address will be unique to you, which means no one else has it.

Not Using Your Name in Your Domain:


If you like to keep your personal life private, a more general web address is better. It hides who you are a bit.

Therapist Niches

If your focus is more on what you do than who you are, a web address about your niche is a good fit. People know what you offer right away.

Clear and Simple

Some therapist names can be tricky to spell or say. A web address without your name is straightforward and doesn’t cause any confusion.

Beating the Competition

In areas with lots of therapists, it’s tough to stand out. A web address about your practice can help you show up higher on search engines.


Even if things change in your life or career, a web address without your name can still work for you.

So, what’s the scoop? Deciding whether to put your name in your domain name depends on your personal choices and goals. Think about the benefits of your personal brand against the privacy of a general domain. And don’t forget to do some research and plan for the long term. Your web address is like the front door to your online therapy practice, and choosing it wisely is key to practice success.

Should Therapists Include their Location in their Domain?

Picking a suitable domain name for therapists means considering including location. This choice can change how people find you and what they think about your work. Let’s talk about why you might want your location in your web address or not:

With Your Location:

Local Focus

If you primarily help people in one area, having your location in the address helps establish a reputation. It also helps your website show up better on the internet when people search nearby.

Therapist domain names for SEO

Using your location can help your website rank higher on Google. Backlinko covers a couple of additional factors to consider for SEO. 


Associating your office with the area in your domain builds trust.

Community Connection

Posting content specific to your local community can build local authority.

Local SEO Benefits

Including your city or area in your domain often ranks you higher for local search results. For more information on how much your domain affects local SEO visit DomainSystemsUSA.

Without Your Location:

More Outreach

For telehealth, a web address without your location allows worldwide clients.


Some therapists like to keep where they live private. A web address without a location helps with that.

Online Clients

If you do telehealth, a web address without a location is more inclusive.

Professional Domain Names for Therapists

Your practice may look more professional if your domain omits location.


Even if you change where you work or what you do, a web address without a location might not need to change.

So, should you include your location in your web address? It depends on what you want and who you help. If you want to catch the attention of folks nearby, using your location can help. But if you want to be more flexible and maintain privacy, a web address without your location might be the way to go. Your web address is like a sign to your practice on the internet, so choose it carefully based on your niche.

How to Connect Your Domain Name to a Website

 Choosing the perfect domain name is just the first step. To make it work for your therapy practice, you need to connect it to a website. Here’s a basic outline of the process:

Select a Hosting Provider

You’ll need a hosting provider to put your website on the internet. Popular options include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator.

Hosting For Therapists

Sign up for a hosting plan that suits your needs. Most providers offer various plans, from basic to advanced. Choose one that aligns with the size and complexity of your website.

Link Your Domain

Your hosting provider should give instructions on how to link your domain name to your host. This often involves changing the domain’s DNS settings or nameservers.

Website Building

You can start development once your domain links to your host. Many hosting providers offer user-friendly website builders or software like WordPress.

Content Creation

Include your therapy services, contact information, and expertise on your website. Ensure your domain name is prominently displayed on your site.

SEO for Therapists

SEO is one of the most complicated sciences in the modern world and is often left to the experts.


Choosing the perfect name for your therapy website is a big deal when establishing your online presence. Some people put their name or location in their website name, while others don’t.


It’s a bit like picking your favorite ice cream flavor – everyone has different tastes! You should choose a name that fits your niche and expertise. If you use your name, it helps people distinguish your site from others. On the other hand, not including your name helps with personal privacy and website longevity.


You also have to think about whether you want to say where you live in your website name. If you mostly help people who live close to you, it’s a good idea to put your location in your website name. It makes it easy for people nearby to find you on the internet and shows that you’re right there. But if you help people from many places or if you want more privacy, you can choose not to include your location. This can make you look professional and it can last for a long time.


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. It depends on what you like and who you want to help. Your website name is like the sign to your online office, so pick one that fits your job and what you want to do. Deciding domain names for therapists may seem daunting, but following your gut often provides the best results.

An experienced web developer who’s found immediate success breaking into the world of SEO.

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